Halloween House Tour
Updated: Oct 24, 2023
There are two holidays we go all out with the decorations for and Halloween is one of them! And while we don't decorate every square inch of the house like we do for Christmas, I thought it would be fun to do a little Halloween house tour.

My favorite space to decorate this year was the dining room. Something about our antique chandelier was just begging to look spooky and I wrapped some dyed cheesecloth I had over the arms.

I'm already thinking next year I should deck out the entire thing in cobwebs, I mean right? I also pulled out all of our gold candlesticks to pair with the spooky black branch candelabra and did the red dripped crayon technique to give them all a Halloween vibe.

I used the same candle technique on the entryway table and also styled my book stack with a ceramic skull. Even though this moment couldn't be simpler it might be my favorite vignette in the house.

I also let the boys each decorate their own rooms however they wanted. I had a small box of Halloween decor from previous years, mostly from The Dollar Tree or Target's Dollar Spot.

No need to call Pinterest in for these, but the amount of joy throwing these decorations around their rooms brought to both boys was priceless.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays and I would have been thrilled to decorate my room in tombstones and skeletons as a child.

skeleton | rug | doormat | black pumpkins | white pumpkins | cat | wreath (similar)
The front porch is another one of my favorite areas this year. The ivy has been happily growing out of the urns all year and a little bit of it happened to die earlier last month (on the left side). I was about to pull it out, but then realized it was perfect in there for the Halloween decorations!

I trimmed out some small holes in the bottom of the pumpkins to help stack them up like that.

A thin dowel rod stuck through the bottom and into the soil keeps the bottom one upright and then the top one is just stacked onto the stem of the bottom one.

I especially love our doormat moment, it's a small detail, but if you've ever ridden the Haunted Mansion at Disney World/Land then you might know that this is a little nod to the Disney adult that both Kris and I are.

Out on our lawn we also have a few other Disney details. Our lawn tombstones all reference Disney characters. We're also hoping to make a few more this year to place on the other side of the lawn so let me know if you have any fun Disney character ideas!

Back inside the house there are a few more spaces that got mildly decked out. The built-in and fireplace mantle.

I even swapped out the art in the Frame TV to be something a bit spookier.

I added a few items to the built-ins, including some water with red food coloring for a bloody effect.

And I found this little rat skeleton at the dollar tree at the last minute that I ripped apart and put in this brass box. I love how it looks like some super creepy museum element now!

You may have seen on stories last week that I went grabbing dead limbs from my neighbor's yards for the branch decor up here. I have no shame and I don't think they would mind dead limb removal right? They were out by the curb for trash pick up anyway!
And then a few spooky items sprinkled around the kitchen (including some more red food coloring water) add just a touch of Halloween flair in here.

And that's what we have going on around here this year, every year I try to add a bit more decor to flesh everything out so I can't wait to see what I come up with next year! And if you're planning to add any last minute decorations around your house, here are my tips when decorating your own home for Halloween:
- Buy things that will last you from year to year. Without a doubt this is my favorite tip- I've spent several years filling our porch with real pumpkins. I usually have a few faux guys, but this was the year I decided to start really building up that collection. I can use them year after year and they will never go bad! I shopped around quite a bit and Michaels by far had the best price for faux pumpkins (they were half off and as far as I know they still are).

- Halloween decor doesn't have to be Halloween specific- I could just as easily use these gold candlesticks at Christmas too! I grab them anytime I see them while I'm thrifting for a couple bucks a pop, but I see lots of them on Etsy and Ebay all the time!

- Cobwebs are a super cheap bang for your buck. I didn't go crazy with them this year, but I have in the past and usually for a dollar you can make everything look spooky- from the corners of shelves to entire light fixtures!

- Keep your color palette consistent. I am a big proponent of not decorating in a specific color scheme just because the holiday calls for it. I don't use red and green at Christmas and I don't use orange at Halloween. Why should I? I don't like those colors! So when I'm shopping for new decorations each year to add to my collection it's easy for me to know what will work with what I already have at home- is it black or white? Yup. Then I know it's going to look good.

Do you decorate for Halloween? I want to hear your ideas!
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